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January 14, 2009

Just Do It

Every year, we make the same resolutions. We promise ourselves to lose weight, eat healthier, exercise,....attend class more often, and sometimes we throw in the righteous ones like "Be a better daughter, sister, friend, person, etc.," but in the end (and by 'end' I mean Februrary) those once reachable goals, cease to exist. We then ask ourselves as though this incident has never occurred, What happened? Perplexed by our lack of success, we blame our unfinished resolutions with sentences such as "I just never had the time" or "I sort of just forgot" and we slowly, but surely slide back into the mold we had created for ourselves the year before that we so desperately wanted to break. Now some of you might say, this has NOTHING to do with UT or you for that matter because you actually DO keep your resolutions, but for those of us who are slightly less than perfect, the remainder of this month and partial of next months blogs are made for you!

First things first. I know that beginning new tasks are difficult, but we can all learn by the popular NIKE slogan, to even get started you have to have the mentality of "JUST DO IT." First, you need to make a list of the things you want to achieve in 2009. The list can have anything from exercising more to riding a hot air balloon, the point is to just make it. Okay, so now after you're done with that list, you need to organize it into two categories. One being Attainable and the other Ultimatey Cool if Acheived (or whatever, you get the idea). Now that you have those two columns, I want you to organzie it even more and rank how each important each one is to you. I know this seems either way too simple or way too much work, but trust me it pays off! After the ranking system I want you to chose your top 5 most important resolutions, 4 of them being from you Attainable list and 1 from the other. Look at it, think about it, and set it aside. After you've engaged yourself in another activity return to that list that should be posted somewhere visible at a majority of the time and set a timeline of when you think you can accomplish that goal.

You're probably wondering why I had you "engage in another activity" and the reason for that is the same reasonswhy New Years' Resolutions always fade out. People get themselves so fired up so quickly about these things that their spark, as quickly as it was ignited, is burnt out. So even from the beginning, remind yourself to slow down and not have the attitude of "It's all or nothing!" and go cold turkey on the things you've loved for the past year!

This first blog of the New Year was a lot to take in, so I'm going to leave you with that list and that timeline for now, but here are things to look forward to on this blog. So I know that I addressed those of you who have trouble of keeping these promises to yourselves every year, but what about the Prospective UT student? Well dear Sir or Ma'am, you have nothing to fret about. During these next few blogs, I'm going to be incorporating everything from "where to buy healthy food, what machines to use at the TRECS, WHEN is the best time of the day to go to the TRECS, Where to get the BEST burger in town when you have your "splurge" days, Where to go for your spiritual feed," and trust me...there's a whole lot more! I look forward to your comments, and remember the only way to get to "JUST DO IT."

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