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November 25, 2008

Its not about Where but with Who

As I visited the Eifel tower and the Colesseum these past 2 weekends, I stood in awe of these magnficent monuments. I never thought I would be so moved by mass pieces of metal or stone, but standing before them, I thought to myself....How blessed am I to be here? Hw fortunate am I to be given an opportunity to stand where millions of people have stood, past and future, and where millions upon millions will never be given the chance to stand? The city of lights truly is one of the most equisite places to visit, and I think was my favorite trip that I'vet taken during my experience abroad! While I watched the lights sparkling on the Eifel tower and watched the couples beside and the families with their children exclaiming how beautiful it was (really, a little Spanish girl said so preciously 'que bonita!me encanta mucha!-it was darling and definitely one of those moments that gives you the warm feeling of family) I came to the realization that I wouldn't have wanted to see those lights any other way than the way I saw them. Mind you, I saw most of Paris, well all of Paris in my 1st trip there, alone. I came to the conclusion that weekend, that it's not about visiting the place, but about the people you're there with to share that moment you see Claude Monet's paintings or the Mona Lisa...and because of this , while Rome was filled with sweet delicacies and amazing pastas! , I chose the option to see this miraculous thing alone, so that when I come back (and I will be coming back) I can relish in the expression that the person (or ppl) that I truly care for (and I'm not talking just about a boyfriend, but family, best friends, etc) will have. While Paris was probably my favorite city that I've visited, now don't get me wrong, all the places each offered something special, but there was just something about this city that I really enjoyed, Rome by FAR had the most amazing food! With its sweet pastries and savory pastas, I'm sure that tourists bring back more than souvenirs with their gained pounds from this delicacy of a city!

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